

I have been working for several years as a psychologist, with passion and dedication. I consider it almost a “mission”, pledging to help people enhance their personal resources, in order to improve the quality of their lives.

Marianna Lorusso

I deal with individual therapy, couple and group. My treatment programs are to walk along a path towards the purchase of a personal balance, promoting physical and mental wellbeing. I promote the achievement of greater awareness, and greater self-efficacy to solve psychological and existential problems.

Even as a girl I always had a feeling and a special “curiosity” for the living of the people, as well as a particular interest in approaching the problems of life. I decided, therefore , at nineteen, to enroll at the Faculty of Psychology at Urbino.

After graduation, I expanded my skills on therapeutic techniques following a four-year specialistic course – achieving  a degree in Gestalt Psychotherapy in Puglia (Italy), where I live.

I currently work in my professional consulting room in Altamura (Bari) – Via Stromboli, n.5. You can contact me using the link “Contatti”  available into my homepage.

Areas of intervention

Management of trauma (separation, abandonment, bereavement, redundancy, etc.)
Self-esteem and self-efficacy
Anxiety Disorders and Panic Attacks
Depression and other mood disorders
Conflict management
Affective and relational difficulties
Psychosomatic disorders
Youth problems
Support to couple in difficulties

My therapeutic model

I achieved a master degree in Gestalt therapy. Gestalt is a German word that has no precise equivalent in other languages. Gestalten means “put in shape, give a meaningful structure.”

The development of Gestalt finds its foundations in especially the insights of Fritz Perls (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritz_Perls), jew psychoanalyst of German origin. He emigrated to the United States at the age of 53 years. Gestalt is born, as the official date in 1951 in New York.

Well beyond a simple psychotherapy, Gestalt is presented as a true “existential philosophy, a way of life” a particular way of conceiving the relationship of the living being in the world.

The genius of Perls and his collaborators was to draw up a coherent synthesis among philosophical, methodological and therapeutic approach that come from Europe, America and Far East.

Gestalt is at the crossroads between psychoanalysis, psychosomatic Reichian therapies, psychodrama, the existential-phenomenological approach and Eastern philosophies.

Puts the emphasis on “awareness” and restores dignity to the “felt” emotional and from the body.

According to the “Gestalt Psychology” the whole is greater than the sum of the parts.

This means that each person is unique and special while manifesting the same “symptoms” of other people.

Similarly, for the Gestalt psychology a part in a whole is different from the same part taken in isolation or embedded in a totally different whole.

In practice this means that the same “symptom” to one person may have a function or a meaning, for another person it could have another function or another meaning.

The Gestalt promotes an authentic contact with oneself and with others, a creative adaptation of the organism to the environment, together with an awareness of those inner workings that too often lead us to act in repetitive behaviors, which lead to repetition of the same sufferings.

It shows our process of “locking ” or otherwise break the cycle of gratification of needs and unmasks our avoidances, our fears, our inhibitions, our illusions.

Gestalt is not simply to explain the origins of our difficulties, but drive us to experience a path for new solutions.

In Gestalt each is responsible for his own choices and avoidances. The person works from “what emerges” for him/her at that moment, whether it’s a perception, an emotion, a concern, the revival of a past situation poorly resolved and ” unfinished ” , or even uncertain prospects for the future.

The Gestalt integrates and combines a number of different techniques of verbal and nonverbal, sensory awareness, energy work, breathing, body work or on the voice, the expression of emotion, dream work, work with creativity (drawing, painting , music, dance .. ) and much more …

The Gestalt pushes to know and to accept as it is, without feeling the need to change to conform to an idealized reference model that is individual or social , interior or exterior …

Be what I am before I appear in any other way … this is the “paradoxical theory of change”.

“The Gestalt encourages you to navigate according to your current rather than sharp set to counter it; it helps identifying your internal and deep currents of your personality, so that you can take advantage of the variable winds in your environment, always keeping watchful responsibility of the government of the sails and rudder, to achieve what we are and draw our groove on the surface of the ocean, according to the route that we ourselves have chosen “

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